
Autor: Jay
Verfasst: 12.10.2009


Straight to your face
straight raiding fist
shooting all out
all from the wrist
Straight beyond you face
destroying your game
painting all red
just for the pain
Straight through your head
crushing everything
It's not helping anyone
at least it makes me sing

Manchmal muss man seiner Wut einfach Luft machen. Vielleicht von der Musik beeinflusst, die ich zur Zeit so höre.


  1. Kann die Musik nur befürworten. Musst bald nochmal rum kommen, um was Musik zu tauschen.

    Ich hinterlasse mal ein Lied, das ich grade auf dem Weg zur Arbeit gehört habe.

    Forced to fight, behind the lines
    Trying to find my way
    In a warzone called society
    Can we really be free?
    Force to fight grab and claw
    Against the enemy
    There's no help or time for dreams
    And it hardens me
    Pushing down, destroy my will
    Kept at bay, in for the kill

    We're all behind enemy lines
    We're all under siege
    Under Pressure, under attack
    It's getting harder to breath
    We're all behind enemy lines
    We're all behind

    Forced to fight behind the lines
    Locked in a living cell
    Pushing down a slippery road
    Sliding down to hell
    Forced to fight struggle and rise
    In the trenches of life
    Those supposed to represent us
    On the other side

  2. Danke für den Liedtext. Empfinde ich gerade für mich als passend.


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